Darlene Rose is a shamanic practitioner in the lineage of Peruvian maestro curandero, don Oscar Miro-Quesada, the visionary of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition (PMT). Pachakuti translates to World Reversal. Shamans nurture a personal relationship with our animate universe. This relationship aims to restore balance and harmony to all realms through coming into sacred relationship and communion with seen and unseen beings. Shamans work with a cosmology of three interrelated worlds. The upper world is the realm of highest vibration, the middle is our current plane of human existence and the lower world is the realm of the interior, known as the unconscious. These worlds are inhabited by countless seen and unseen beings, who are all part of the Great Web of Life. It is primarily through honoring the helping spirits, during ceremony and sacred ritual, that shamans facilitate our return into aligned relationship with Pacha Mama (Mother Earth) and all Her inhabitants.