
Organic, fair trade, high frequency cacao grown by Mayan families in Guatemala, with profits given to a Mayan female collective, is served in Harmonious Vibrations ceremonies. In the PMT shamanic lineage, the elders prophesied a time of Pachakuti - world reversal - a time in which we are fortunate to be existing in and sharing our gifts. During this Great Shift, this Time of Transformation, it is helpful to focus on coherent vibration, awakening the higher mind and keeping our hearts open. The cacao bean is honored as food of the gods. Communion with this plant medicine assists with raising frequency, awakening mind and opening the heart in a gentle yet potent way. This magic bean is especially keen on opening your heart, encouraging you to release old wounds and be more receptive to Divine Love. 

Cacao is a multidimensional partner and facilitator for creative and spiritual purposes. As we commune with this food of the gods, the medicine brings a door to each of us. Unlike other shamanic plant medicines, you are not pushed through the door. It is your choice to step through the door that the Spirit of Cacao places before you. A journey with cacao is having an intimate travel partner who is walking alongside you rather than leading. There is potential for personal empowerment because you are not taken on a trip. With cacao communion, you are doing your own movement within a beneficial partnership and building trust for expanding similar relationships on many levels. "As within in, so without." 

Darlene Rose holds this vision for each participant communing with cacao and with the sacred circle of sisters and brothers: the heart is opened so wounding and old patterns can be released in a sacred container; supportive communion with helping spirits; harmonious vibes for healing and divine embodiment; taking the vow to Choose LOVE! Private cacao ceremony is available for couples and is an excellent compliment to a Biofield Tuning Relationship session.